Here's how my brain worked this evening: Beets, check. Goat feta, check (for the burger topping of course). What else do I have? Red Onion? - sure! Carrots? - Why not? *shred...shred...shred in the food processor then transferred to bowl* ....Hmm...it needs something to mush it all together. I found a can of black beans - huh...that could work...?! *whirl whirl whirl in the food processor* It needs some liquid *add olive oil, whirl some more, add to bowl and mix* What else could I put in?!....Walnuts! - DUH! Window box herbs...hmmm...yum I think? We'll see... I'm on a health roll now. What else is healthy? Umm...flax seeds? Ok! Oatmeal? What the heck, why not? *more whirling of the food processor and add to bowl, mix mix* It looks like ground burger meat to me! =D. And so a patty was formed.......

Seriously, that's how it happened. Sandwiched between a honey whole wheat sesame bun left over from camping this past weekend, with some perfectly ripe avocado, butter lettuce from my veggie box, some radish sprouts for a bit of kick, and thinly sliced tomato. All of that resulted in: Holy smokes Kay Chu. You. Totally. Rock. Uh huh....that's right. I totally rock.
3 Large Beets roasted, peeled, cut in half
6 Small Nantes Carrots (or 2 large regular carrots) Peeled
1 Red Onion, cut in half and peeled, root removed
1 can black beans, drained & rinsed
2 Tbs olive oil
1/3 Cup Walnuts, chopped and toasted
2 Tbs fresh oregano, chopped
2 tsp fresh thyme, chopped
2 Tbs Flax Seeds
1/4 Cup Oatmeal
1 Tbs Salt (more or less to taste)
1/2 Tbs Pepper (more or less to taste)
Goat Cheese
Avocado, sliced
Tomatoes, sliced
Aioli (I HIGHLY recommend the chipotle aioli with this!)
Radish shoots
Shred the beets, carrots and onion in a food processor. Transfer to a large mixing bowl. Switch to the blade attachment on the food processor, add in black beans and olive oil and process until in turns into a paste. Add beans to the shredded vegetables. Next, chop the walnuts, fresh herbs, flax seeds,and oatmeal in the food processor until crumbly. Add to the big mixing bowl. Mix everything well and form in to 6 patties about 4-5 inches in diameter.
Heat a non stick pan over med-high heat, and lightly grease the pan with some olive oil. Cook patties for about 3-4 minutes on each side, flipping once. Once the patties are cooked, flip one more time so you get the hot side of the patty, add cheese, turn of heat and put a lid on to melt the cheese. Meanwhile, prep the rest of your burger add-ons and toast the buns. Build the burger to your liking and ENJOY!