I love food - it has always been a part of my life. I'm one of those people who live to eat because eating to live is just not as much fun. It's hard to not love food having grown up in the San Francisco Bay Area. The mix of cultures and an endless variety of fresh produce fuels culinary creativy, resulting in amazing food every where you turn. When I joined a CSA share, I decided to start keeping records of the things I made through my blog, Stoked On Yum! It's just a diary of the foods I've made that I'm excited about - and the stories that are behind them. As for likes aside from food - my calorie intake of yumminess is off-set by my love for outdoor activities. Being a California girl, the activity options are endless - surfing, snowboarding, wakeboarding, hiking, camping - I can go on forever! Work hard, play hard, eat hard!